Proyecto MTM2011-25816-C02-00
Participación en Congresos y Seminarios
Congresos Internacionales
(Última actualización: Noviembre 2014)


  • Abánades M.A., Botana F. Escribano J. (2014). "Using the GröbnerCover Algorithm to Automatically Compute Loci and Envelopes in a 3D Dynamic Geometry Environment. A Prototype Description". 10th International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG 2014), Coimbra, Portugal, Julio 2014.
  • Abánades M.A., Botana F., Montes A., Recio T. (2014), "Software using the Groebner Cover for geometrical loci computation and classification", The Fourth International Congress on Mathematical Software, South Korea, July 2014.
  • Alcázar J.G., Hermoso C., Muntingh G. (2014), "Symmetry Detection of rational space curves from their curvature and torsion", Special Session on "Algorithms and applications in the geometry of algebraic curves and surfaces", ACA (Applications of Computer Algebra) 2014, New York (USA), 9-12 July 2014.
  • Botana F. (2014), "Extending the range of computable objects in Dynamic Geometry by using Quantifier Elimination", Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry in Mathematics Education CADGME, Halle (Germany), 26-29 Septiembre 2014.
  • Botana F., Kovacs, Z. (2014), "Teaching loci and envelopes in GeoGebra", Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry in Mathematics Education CADGME, Halle (Germany), 26-29 Septiembre 2014.
  • Botana F., Recio T. (2014), "Using Maple's RegularChains library to automatically classify plane geometric loci", The Fourth International Congress on Mathematical Software, Corea del Sur, Julio 2014.
  • Botana F., Recio T. (2014), "Computing envelopes in dynamic geometry environments", 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation AISC 2014. Sevilla, 11-13 Diciembre.
  • Caravantes J., Fioravanti M., Gonzalez-Vega, L., Necula, I. (2014). "Computing the topology of an arrangement of parametric or implicit algebraic curves in the Lagrange basis". Special Session on "Algorithms and applications in the geometry of algebraic curves and surfaces", ACA (Applications of Computer Algebra) 2014, New York (USA), 9-12 July 2014.
  • Caravantes J., J.G. Alcázar, G.M. Díaz Toca y C. Hermoso, (2014). "A bisection like algorithm to compute the convex hull of a rational plane curves". Special Session on "Algorithms and applications in the geometry of algebraic curves and surfaces", ACA (Applications of Computer Algebra) 2014, Nueva York (EEUU), 9-12 Julio 2014.
  • Caravantes J., M. Fioravanti, L. González-Vega, I. Necula (2014). "Computing the Topology of an Arrangement of Implicit and Parametric Curves Given by Values", 16th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Varsovia (Polonia), 8-12 Septiembre 2014.
  • Grasegger G., Lastra A., Sendra J.R. and Winkler F. (2014). On symbolic solutions of algebraic partial differential equations, 16th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Varsovia (Polonia), 8-12 Septiembre 2014.
  • Recio T. (2014), "Automated theorem proving in dynamic geometry by checking a number of instances ". Plenary talk at the ADG 2014 conference, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Julio 2014.
  • Recio T. (2014), "Dynamic Geometry and Mathematics: few trains on a two-way track", plenary lecture at the Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry in Mathematics Education (CADGME) 2014, University of Halle, Germany. September 26-29, 2014.
  • Recio T. (2014). "Intelligent+GeoGebra", conferencia plenaria en la International GeoGebra Conference, Budapest, Hungría, 23-24 enero 2014.
  • Recio, T., (with Milena Maric) (2014). "Automatic theorem proving in Dynamic Geometry contexts: what is it good for? Two diverse points of view". Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry in Mathematics Education (CADGME) 2014, University of Halle, Germany. September 26-29, 2014.
  • Rueda S.,(2014), "Differential elimination by differential specialization of Sylvester style matrices", Special Session on "Algebraic and algorithmic aspects of differential and integral operators", ACA (Applications of Computer Algebra) 2014, New York (USA), 9-12 July 2014.
  • Rueda S.L. (trabajo conjunto con J.J. Morales-Ruiz y M.A. Zurro). "On commuting differential operators and differential resultants (work in progress)". Conferenciante plenario en AMDS 2014, Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems. 5-11 octubre 2014, Barranquilla (Colombia).
  • > Rueda S., Sendra J., Sendra J.R., (2014), "Approximate algorithms to parametrize algebraic curves", Special Session on "Algorithms and applications in the geometry of algebraic curves and surfaces", ACA (Applications of Computer Algebra) 2014, New York (USA), 9-12 July 2014.
  • Sendra J.R. (2014). "Parametrizing Algebraic Curves and Surfaces Under Different Optimality Criteria", GTM Conference on topics in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Milan, Italia, Enero 2014.
  • Sendra J.R. (2014). "Optimal parametrization of curves and surfaces". DK Statusseminar, Strobl, Austria, September 24-26, 2014
  • Sendra J., Gómez D., Morán V. (2014). "Rational Conchoid and Offset Constructions: Algorithms and Implementation" 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation AISC 2014. Sevilla, 11-13 Diciembre
  • Sendra J. R., Sevilla D., Villarino C. (2014). "Covering of surfaces without projective base points". "International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation" (ISSAC2014), Kobe, Japan, 21-25 July 2014.
  • Sendra J. R., Sevilla D., Villarino C. (2014). "Rational coverings of rational algebraic surfaces". 8th International Conference CURVES and SURFACES, Paris (France), 12-18 June 2014.
  • Sendra J.R., Winkler Stephan, "Optimization of Coefficients of Lists of Polynomials by Evolutionary Algorithms". 9th International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI 2014), Eger, Hungría, Enero 2014
  • Sevilla D. (2014). "Radical parametrization of curves and surfaces by adjoints". XXVèmes Rencontres Arithmétiques de Caen Île de Tatihou, Calcul formel et Méthodes effectives en Géométrie algébrique et arithmétique, 30 de junio al 3 de julio de 2014, Île de Tatihou, Francia.
  • Tabera, L.F. "Singular tropical hypersurfaces in positive characteristic", Saas-fee, Suiza 24-28, Noviembre 2014.
  • Villarino C. "Hypercircles and ultraquadrics: a tool for simplifying coefficients in rational parametrizations". Special Session on "Algebraic Geometry in Applications and Algorithms" en el congreso First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI, 30 de Junio al 4 de Julio 2014, Bilbao, Spain
  • Winkler F. "Algebro-Geometric Methods for Solving Differential Equations". Special Session on "Algebraic Geometry in Applications and Algorithms" en el congreso First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI, 30 de Junio al 4 de Julio 2014, Bilbao, Spain

  • 2013

  • Abanades, M. A., Botana, F. "A dynamic symbolic geometry environment based on the GröbnerCover algorithm for the computation of geometric loci and envelopes". Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, CICM 2013, Bath, Inglaterra, 8-12 de julio de 2013.
  • Abanades, M. A., Botana, F. "A symbolic-numeric dynamic geometry environment for the computation of equidistant curves", XV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, Sevilla, España, 26-28 de Junio de 2013.
  • Alcázar J.G., Hermoso C., Muntingh G. "Similarity Detection for Rational Curves", Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2013, 2-6 julio 2013, Malaga.
  • Andradas, C., Recio, T., Sendra, J.R., Tabera, L.F., Villarino, C., "Reparametrizing Rational Swung Surfaces over the Reals". Poster en MEGA 2013, Frankfurt (Alemania). 3-7 Junio 2013.
  • Botana F., Recio T. "Envelope computation in dynamic geometry systems", Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2013, Málaga (Spain), 2-6 Julio 2013.
  • Diaz, G., Necula, I. "Direct symbolic transformation from 3D cartesian into hyperboloidal coordinates". Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications, Ljubljana (Eslovenia), 24 - 28 junio 2013
  • Gonzalez-Vega L. "FORMULAE: CLOSED FORM SOLUTIONS FOR AND FROM EVALUATION", "Geometry + Simulation" meeting, Obergurgl (Austria), 22-24 de abril de 2013, conferencia invitada.
  • Peternell M. "Relations between Offsets and Conchoids". Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24--28 June 2013.
  • Recio T., "Geogebra + inteligente". III Dia GeoGebra Portugal, Universidad de Aveiro. Portugal. 1 June 2013.
  • Rueda S. Conferenciante Invitado en FELIM 2013, The 6th edition of the international conference FELIM Functional Equations in LIMoges 2013, 4-6 marzo 2013.
  • Rueda, S.L. "Sparse differential resultant formulas: between the linear and the nonlinear case". Special session: Algebraic and Algorithmic Aspects of Differential and Integral Operators Session. Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2013, 2-6 julio 2013, Malaga.
  • Rueda, S,L., Sendra, J., Sendra, J.R., "On the approximate parametrization problem of algebraic curves". Special session: Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves. Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2013, 2-6 julio 2013, Malaga.
  • Sendra J.R., "Global and Approximate Parametrization of Algebraic Curves", Workshop on Computer algebra and polynomials (Special Semester on Applications of Algebra and Number Theory), RICAM, Linz, Austria, Noviembre 2013.
  • Sevilla D., Sendra, J.R., "Radical parametrization of algebraic curves and surfaces". Special session: Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves. Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2013, 2-6 julio 2013, Malaga.
  • Sevilla D., "Coverings of affine parametric surfaces with no projective base points", Workshop on Computer algebra and polynomials (Special Semester on Applications of Algebra and Number Theory), RICAM, Linz, Austria, Noviembre 2013.
  • Tabera L.F. "On real tropical bases and real discriminants". Métodos Efectivos en Geometría Algebraica, MEGA 2013, 3-7 de junio, 2013. Frankfurt, Alemania
  • Villarino C., "Ultraquadrics and its application to the reparametrization of rational complex surfaces", Workshop on Computer algebra and polynomials (Special Semester on Applications of Algebra and Number Theory), RICAM, Linz, Austria, Noviembre 2013.
  • Winkler F., "Symbolic solutions of algebraic differential equations", Workshop on Computer algebra and polynomials (Special Semester on Applications of Algebra and Number Theory), RICAM, Linz, Austria, Noviembre 2013.
  • Winkler F. Conferenciante invitado plenario en "International Conference on Mathematical Research, Education and Applications" (ICMREA-UEL 2013), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 21-23 Diciembre 2013

  • 2012

  • Adamou I., Fioravanti M., and Gonzalez-Vega L., and Mourrain B. "Voronoi Diagram of parallel half lines constrained to a domain in R^3", VIII International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, Oslo, Noruega, Junio 28 - Julio 3, 2012.
  • Adamou I., Fioravanti M., and Gonzalez-Vega L., and Mourrain B. "Voronoi Diagram of parallel half lines constrained to a domain in R^3", 3rd SAGA Workshop, Trento, Italia Octubre 9-11, 2012.
  • Alcazar J.G., Hermoso C. "Efficiently detecting symmetries of rational plane curves", VIII International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, Oslo (Noruega), Junio 28- July 3, 2012.
  • Botana F., and Abanades M. A., "A symbolic-numeric environment for computing equidistant curves", Applications of Computer Algebra ACA 2012, Sofía, Bulgaria, 25-28 Junio 2012
  • Botana F., Kovács Z., Recio T., and Weitzhofer S. "Implementing theorem proving in GeoGebra by using various methods", Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry in Mathematics Education CADGME 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia, 22-24 Junio 2012
  • Botana F., Montes A., and Recio T. "An Algorithm for Automatic Discovery of Algebraic Loci", Automated Deduction in Geometry ADG 2012, Edinburgo, Escocia, 17-19 Septiembre 2012
  • Montes A., and Recio, T. "Generalizing the Steiner-Lehmus Theorem using the Gröbner Cover", CAME 2012, Sofía, Bulgaria, 25-28 de junio de 2012.
  • Recio T. "Automated Deduction in Geometry through Symbolic Computation", 4th Iberian Mathematical Meeting, Valladolid, España. Octubre 5-7 (2012)
  • Sendra J.R. "Optimal Parametrizations of Algebraic Curves and Surfaces". 4th Iberian Mathematical Meeting, Valladolid, España. Octubre 5-7 (2012)
  • Sendra J.R., Sevilla D. "First Steps Towards Radical Parametrization of Algebraic Surfaces". VIII International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, Oslo (Noruega), Junio 28-Julio 3, 2012.
  • Winkler F. "Algebraic Differential Equations - Rational Solutions and Classification", session AADIOS en conf. ACA 2012, Sofía, Bulgaria, Junio 2012.