Project MTM2011-25816-C02-00
Participation at Conferences and Seminars
National Conferences
(Last update: November 2014)


  • Recio T. (2014). "Lugares geométricos en geometría dinámica: viejos problemas, nuevas soluciones", XI Jornadas de Educación Matemática de la Comunidad Valenciana, Castellón, March 7, 2014.
  • Recio, T. (2014). "Lugares geométricos en geometría dinámica: viejos problemas, nuevas soluciones", Jornadas GeoGebra de la ACG, Barcelona, February 14, 2014.
  • Recio T, Sendra J. R., Tabera L.F., Villarino C. (2014). "Ultraquadrics associated to affine and projective automorphims." XIV Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones (EACA2014) Barcelona, 18-20 june, 2014.
  • Sendra J. R., Sevilla D., Villarino C. (2014). "A critical set of revolution surface parametrizations". XIV Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones (EACA2014) Barcelona, 18-20 junio, 2014.

  • 2013

  • Abánades M. and Botana F. "Automatic Theorem Proving". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España.
  • Alcazar J.G. "Computing Topology of Varieties. Applications". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España
  • Alcazar J.G., Rueda S., Sendra J., Sendra J.R., Sevilla D., Villarino C. "Poster entitled Algorithms and Applications in Geometry of Curves and Surfaces" AICA 2013, 7-8 November 2013, UCM, Madrid.
  • Caravantes J. "Solving the Global and Local Positioning Systems problems for GPS Modelling". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España.
  • Caravantes J. "Bertini type theorems for formal functons in homogeneous spaces". Algebraic Geometry Special Session in Young Researchers Conference of Royal Spanish Mathematical Society. September 16-20, 2013.
  • Fioravanti M. "Bisectors". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España.
  • Fioravanti M. and González Vega L. "Applications of polynomial algebra by values". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España.
  • Grasegger G., Sendra J.R, Winkler F., "Poster entitled Symbolic solutions of algebraic ordinary differential equations" AICA 2013, 7-8 November 2013, UCM, Madrid.
  • González Vega L. "Intersection problems in CAGD". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España.
  • Necula I. "Change of coordinates: problems arising in Geodesy". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España.
  • Peternell M. "Conchoidal Constructions of Surfaces". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España
  • Rueda S.L. "Differential resultants". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España
  • Sendra J. "Approximate Parametrization of Curves". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España
  • Sendra J.R. "Algebraic ODEs". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España
  • Sendra J.R. "Offsets, Fibers, Normality, Singularities". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España
  • Sevilla, D. "Radical parametrization of algebraic curves and surfaces", Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME, September 16th-20th 2013, Seville, Spain
  • Tabera L.F. "Tropical Geometry". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España.
  • Tabera L.F. "Algebraic simplification of parametrizations", Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME, September 16th-20th 2013, Seville, Spain
  • Villarino C. "Ultraquadrics: revolution surfaces". II Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 23th-25th January 2013. Sigüenza, Guadalajara, España

  • 2012

  • Adamou I., Fioravanti M., and Gonzalez-Vega L. "Computing Parametrizations of the bisector of two surfaces" EACA 2012, XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Alcazar J.G. "Topology of Curves". Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain
  • Alcazar J.G., Diaz-Toca G.M. "On the shape of curves that are rational in polar coordinates". EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13th-15th, 2012.
  • Botana F. "¿Qué hacer? Algunas propuestas concretas sobre la organización y la estrategia a seguir en relación con Sage", III Jornada Sage/Python, Vigo, Spain, June 21-22, 2012.
  • Botana F. "Sage", I Congreso sobre Software Libre para Ciencia, Matemáticas e Tecnoloxía, Lugo, Spain, July 2-3, 2012.
  • Botana F, and Abanades M. A. "A demo on using the GröbnerCover algorithm for dynamic geometry tasks", XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Botana F., Kovács Z., and Weitzhofer S. "Implementing Theorem Proving in Geogebra by Using a Singular Webservice", XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Caravantes J. "Daisy antenna and nodal pythagorean-hodograph curves", XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Caravantes J. "Applications of generalized Cramer rule to navigation systems", Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain.
  • Kovacs Z., Recio T., and Weitzhofer S. "Implementing theorem proving in GeoGebra by exact check of a statement in a bounded number of test cases", XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Pérez S., Sendra J.R., Villarino C. "On the singular locus of rational surface parametrizations". XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Peternell M. "Conchoidal Surface Constructions". Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain.
  • Peternell M., Gruber D., Sendra, J. "Rational conchoidal surface construction". XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Recio T. "Geogebra y mecanismos: retos y oportunidades", IV Jornades de l'Associació Catalana de GeoGebra, U. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, February 3-4, 2012.
  • Rueda S.L. "Differential Resultants and Implicitization". Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain
  • Rueda S. L. "Differential resultant formulas for super essential systems of linear od-polynomials." XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Rueda S. L. (2012), "Differential resultant formulas for od-polynomials." XI Jornadas de Teoría de Anillos. Granada, Spain. May 31th-2nd June.
  • Santos F., Tabera L. F., and Theobald T. "On the separation of tropically convex sets", XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 13-15, 2012.
  • Sendra J. "Conchoidal Curve Constructions and Approximate Parametrization". Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain
  • Sendra J.R. "Algorithms for rational surface parametrizations I". Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain
  • Sendra J.R. "Algorithms for rational surface parametrizations II". Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain
  • Tabera L. F. "Tropical Geometry", Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain
  • Tabera L.F. "Ultraquadrics I". Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain
  • Villarino C. "Ultraquadrics II". Workshop on algorithms and application in algebraic geometry. 25th-27th January 2012. CIEM. Castro Urdiales, Santander, Spain