Project MTM2011-25816-C02-00
(Last update: November 2014)

List of preprints generated as a result of the research activity developed in the frame of the project.
  1. Alcázar J.G., Goldman R. (2014), "Finding the axis of revolution of a surface of revolution", submitted to journal.
  2. Aruliah D.A., Corless R.M., Diaz-Toca G.M., Gonzalez-Vega L., Shakoori A. (2014) "The Bezout Matrix for Hermite Interpolants".
  3. Botana F., Hohenwarter M., Janicic P., Kovacs Z., Petrovic I., Recio T., Weitzhofer S. (2013). "Automated theorem proving in GeoGebra: current achievements".
  4. Diaz-Toca G.M., Fioravanti M. (2014), "The null space of the Bezout matrix in any basis and gcd's",
  5. G. Grasegger, F. Winkler, A. Lastra and J. Rafael Sendra. (2015). A solution method for autonomous First-order algebraic partial differential equations in several variables. ( DK Report Series, No. 15-01, Technical Reports of the Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics", Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and ( Technical report RISC Report Series, No. 15-01, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.
  6. G. Grasegger, F. Winkler, A. Lastra and J. Rafael Sendra. (2014). A Solution Method for Autonomous First-Order Algebraic Partial Differential Equations. ( DK-Report No. 2014-07, Technical Reports of the Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics", Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and ( Technical report no. 14-03 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.
  7. Rueda S.L. (2013). Differential elimination by differential specialization of Sylvester style matrices. ArXiv:1310.2081.
  8. Tabera L.F. (2011). "On rational points on hypercircle". Submitted to a journal.
  9. Tabera, L.F. (2014). "Tropical discriminants in positive characteristic".